Agent Cooperation Double Commission Program

👉 Daily: Earn 2.3%
👉 Monthly: Earn up to 50%

Join our Agent Cooperation Double Commission Program and start earning substantial rewards daily and monthly. With our program, you can receive up to 50% additional commissions at the end of each month. Double your commissions, double your bonuses, and take the steps to become a millionaire today!


Daily Commission Structure:

Based on the total valid bets placed by customers through your agency.

Slots, Fishing & Cards:

  • ₱1+: 1.0%
  • ₱1,000,000+: 1.1%
  • ₱5,000,000+: 1.2%
  • ₱500,000,000+: 1.5%
Valid bets (₱) Slots, Fishing & Cards
1+ 1.0%
1,000,000+ 1.1%
5,000,000+ 1.2%
500,000,000+ 1.5%

Live Casino, Cockfight, Sports:

  • ₱1,000+: 0.3%
  • ₱100,000+: 0.4%
  • ₱5,000,000+: 0.5%
  • ₱100,000,000+: 0.8%
Valid bets (₱) Live Casino, Cockfight, Sports
1000+ 0.3%
100.000+ 0.4%
5.000.000+ 0.5%
100.000.000+ 0.8%

Note: For Sports, Casino, Cockfighting, and Lottery, valid members must deposit over ₱1,000, and valid bets must reach ₱7,000.

Daily Commission Calculation Method:
Valid bets * corresponding game ratio

Daily commissions are distributed the next day if the agent meets the conditions.

Monthly Commission Structure:

Based on the negative profit generated by customers within the agency.

Commission Rates by Profit (₱) and Valid Members:

  • ₱20,000+ (5 or more valid guests, each with a total deposit of over ₱3,000 and valid bets of ₱20,000+): 5%
  • ₱500,000+: 8%
  • ₱1,000,000+: 10%
  • ₱5,000,000+: 12%
  • ₱15,000,000+: 15%
  • ₱30,000,000+: 18%
  • ₱80,000,000+: 25%
  • ₱150,000,000+: 40%
  • ₱500,000,000+: 50%
Profit (₱) Valid members Commission
20,000+ 5 or more valid guests.

Each customer has a total deposit of more than ₱3,000, valid bets reach ₱20,000 or more

500,000+ 8%
1,000,000+ 10%
5,000,000+ 12%
15,000,000+ 15%
30,000,000+ 18%
80,000,000+ 25%
150,000,000+ 40%
500,000,000+ 50%

Monthly Commission Calculation Method:
[(Negative profit – promotion – refund) – (Negative profit * processing fee)] * commission rate

Important: If the agent does not achieve a valid new customer in the next month, they will only receive the lowest commission rate, even if they achieve the highest negative profit.

Monthly commissions are distributed before the 5th of the following month.

How to Maximize Your Earnings:

  1. Register as an Agent: Sign up to start earning commissions.
  2. Promote and Engage: Attract and retain customers who place valid bets through your agency.
  3. Monitor Performance: Keep track of valid bets daily and monthly to meet higher commission thresholds.
  4. Maintain Active Members: Ensure customers deposit and place bets regularly to stay valid.
  5. Strategize for Higher Commissions: Focus on generating higher negative profits and valid bets.
  6. Stay Compliant: Follow all terms and conditions to ensure uninterrupted earnings.
  7. Plan for Payouts: Daily commissions are distributed the next day, and monthly commissions are distributed before the 5th of the following month.

Tips for Success:

  • Engage Customers: Provide excellent service and personalized attention to encourage more betting activity.
  • Leverage Promotions: Use special offers to attract and retain customers while maintaining profitability.
  • Analyze Metrics: Regularly review your performance and adjust strategies to optimize earnings.

Join our Agent Cooperation Double Commission Program today and start your journey towards becoming a millionaire!